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Determination of Benzene, Acetaldehyde and Limonene in Polyethylene Terephthalate by Headspace GC

Determinación de benceno, acetaldehído y limoneno en tereftalato de polietileno por Headspace GC. La sustancia aromatizante limoneno es una de las sustancias clave que se utilizan para reconocer o identificar los reciclados de refrescos después del consumo, ya que la mayoría de los refrescos contienen limoneno. Cuando se envasan refrescos en botellas de tereftalato de …

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Una comparación entre los modos de ionización ESI y APCI

Syngenta en Jealott’s Hill International Research Center, ubicado en el Reino Unido, cuenta actualmente con espectrómetros de masas LC que solo se pueden instalar con una fuente ESI o APCI. Cambiar la fuente de ESI a APCI, y viceversa, implica enfriar la fuente, retirar e instalar manualmente la nueva fuente, seguido del calentamiento de la …

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Characterización of arsenic species in apple juice using a NexSar HPLC-ICP-MS Speciation Anlysis ready solution

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Detection of Formaldehyde by Derivation with Pentafluorobenzylhydroxyl Amine

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Characterization of Hops Aroma

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Characterization of fruit juice flavor

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Application pack for the Determination of low Level BETEXS in olive Oils

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Anlysis of VOCs in Air by EPA TO-17

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Residual Methanol in Biodiesell by HS

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Quantification of Ethanol Content in Consumable Fruit

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Methane, ethylene and Ethane in Water by HS-FID

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Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Biodiesel

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Determination of the Acidic Composition of Triglycerides and Trans Fatty Acids

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Determination of Residual Solvents in Flexible Packaging

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Determination of PCB by EPA 8082

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Determination of Furan in Food by GC Headspace

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Determination of Ethylene Glycol in Used Egnine Oil

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Determination of Class I, II and III Residual Solvent by USP467

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Cannabis Analysis, Potency Testing Identifification and Quantification

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C2 to C5 Hydrocarbons in finished gasoline.

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Benzene and toluene in finished gasolines

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